Wall Complex Remodel Maintenance Shop Project Bid Request
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Wall Complex Remodel Maintenance Shop Project Bid Request

Dean Kurtz Construction Company is requesting subcontractor and supplier proposals for the Wall
Complex Remodel Maintenance Shop project in Wall, SD.

Bids are due at the office of Dean Kurtz Construction by 1:00 PM MST Nov. 30, 2023. We would like to encourage voluntary alternates, but each bidder must bid the plans and specifications dated 11/01/23. Please send your bid to Dean Kurtz Construction Company by fax (605.343.5932) or email bids@deankurtzconstruction.com.

Please contact Carter Stonecipher (carter@deankurtzconstruction.com) with any questions regarding this project.

File Access Key: To access the files, follow this link: https://www.deankurtzplans.com#files/share/EE643DD7FC.
